Digital Medics is involved in and sponsors a number of projects. Here is an overview of the projects we currently sponsor:

FastVox, a commercial volume rendering API, was developed by the experts at Digital Medics, and is made available for free for non-commercial use as a way of allowing students and developers to become acquainted with the API.

For more information, click here.

Multigrid Finite Element Solver on the Cell BE® Processor

The MFES on the Cell BE® processor from IBM demonstrates the processor's amazing power -- opening up new horizons in imaging and engineering applications, with sustained output of 52 GFLOP/s from a single processor.

For more information, click here.


Digital Medics supports artists who want to unleash their creativity by using tools from the field of medical imaging. In this area, you can find sample art of the Tomographix team as well as from John Grantham, who offers design services for imaging centers and practices, ranging from logo creation to full fledged corporate design.

For more information, click here.

"Digital Medics" is a registered trademark of Digital Medics GmbH.
"Cell BE" is a trademark of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. (SCEI).
All other trademarks remain the property of their respective owners.